Tenchu 2 – Birth of the Stealth Assassins: Playstation 1, Cerita, Gameplay, dan Nostalgia Maret 9, 2025Maret 9, 2025Action-Adventure, Stealth
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror – Aksi Mata-Mata Klasik di Era Modern Januari 29, 2025Januari 29, 2025Stealth, third-person shooter
Watch Dogs: Game Hacking, Sebuah Refleksi Masyarakat Digital Desember 30, 2024Desember 30, 2024Action-Adventure, Adventure, Stealth
Hitman 6: Dunia Pembunuh Bayaran yang Lebih Gelap Desember 19, 2024Desember 19, 2024Action-Adventure, Stealth, third-person shooter